Saturday 17 August 2013

So I left home about 1.5 weeks ago. In that time I've met my friend's friends, got drunk, said I wanted my nipple pierced & well... note to self: don't say you want something around Dutch people if you're not that fussed on having it done. They do remember things the next morning, & they will do everything they can to assist you in getting something done about it.
So apart from that new little experience, we did do other things! Went & did the touristy business around Den Haag. Scheveningen (I've given up pronunciations by now, to me it's just 'the beach') was lovely, little promenade walk along there. I've eaten so much typical Dutch food that's delicious, & then my friend Tess got me to try some Haring. Not so delicious. Still ate the whole thing, though! Then croquettes, chips with tomato sauce & mayo (good call on that invention, Holland), Stroopwaffles, & other things I can't pronounce. Then I tried some cheese. Ahhhhhh the cheese! Delicious. Even the cheap cheese is delicious. Why aren't the Dutch fat?

Asides from all that fun, after 2 days it was time to go to Dublin! Booked ourselves a little holiday before I'd arrived. Dublin is a beautiful place. A very raw little city with heaps to do & much to see. Caught up with some friends, accidentally missed a friend & didn't get myself drunk enough to achieve my goal: getting kicked out of a bar in Ireland.

In Australia it seems to be the easiest thing imaginable to be asked to remove yourself outside of a drinking premises. Falling asleep in clubs, falling asleep in bathrooms, falling over, standing there breathing, the bouncers either kick you out, or not let you in (this happens to other people too, right?). It just didn't happen in Ireland. What a magical city! Our last night, there was some little elderly chap telling us about the magic beards of Ireland. They live in the mountains, & you just never quite seem to be able to find them. Everyone's friendly, everyone's chatty, & everyone's drinking. Perfect city.

Now we're back in Den Haag, Tess has resumed her life for the time being, & I'm not sure what to do with myself, so I think I might be off to Amsterdam for a few days, & see what the go is there. Farewell!

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